Saturday 22 June 2013


Jay Says...

Week-End...Is it really an end?? Well thinking and struggling to get an answer which is really tough. Same goes with you too I guess. Continuously fiddling your fingers in phone, tablets or laptops has revolutionized the globe but there is a trend of working anytime or rather I would say every time.
Aren't we machining? Robots? (Always in a dilemma and in a scope to get an answer. Can you at least make a guess?)
No fixed holidays...Thanks ‘globalization’ which gave birth to competition from its womb.
Why there was no option for abortion I wonder, we humans are facing the sins of globalization. Working from one part of the globe for another part is a bread & butter of any organization or a person.
BPO, the insane world of outsourcing business round the clock. Well, (I had an experience too) gave employment and a life of owls. OWLS? Yes, I don’t used to sleep in night, I worked and sacrificed my slumber and snores, that too for fellows in USA, Australia and United Kingdom. Tried hard to fix up their systems, passwords and applications, providing all services for their smooth working.
Isn't it has increased the demand for dark circle lotions and also cigarettes. Think about it? So how much you earn? I earned a basic salary reply by majority. Shouldn't we compensate as per foreign countries?
Aah! Thanks to cheap labor connotation that has been glued with India always.
But aren't we getting smart and good in languages at least and giving exposure to suburbs and tier II and tier III cities.
A new and emerging sector has given rise to standard of living, employment and exposure.
But now we have been so occupied and working even on weekends, courtesy: Rotational offs, made us mechanical and gives less time to spend with our family and friends.
Sharing a quote “Life is nothing but marathon” Reason: Competition.
So everybody is just is paddling to move faster and faster and taking advantage of all the utilities. Henceforth, faster you will run, the more you will mint money.

Zuch Says...

Weekends are really a week’s end and then a new start. Aah tough to say for me and in fact for everybody of my age.
Weekends are something you enjoy also and are most hectic also for you .Some people make a plan to meet out their friends whom they are missing.Some do their pending works and more surprisingly some people actually needs time to think, to think about themselves about their life.
And on a funny part some people (like me) just sleep sleep and only sleep…
Aah those people are lucky who gets time to spend with their family but friends are also not at all bad yaar.
As a hostler I always wish to have an awesome food on my Sundays, going out for a outing, watching movie and thinking eeh tomorrow is Monday!!!
One of the major sector i.e. hospitality sector always comes in a limelight during weekends and actually it is a blessing for their business to shoot up.

Contrary to this, have we ever given a thought that one who doesn't have anybody in his/her life?.
I believe that its always monotonous one who doesn't work or occupied with. Yes, I bet that the fellow will not feel the importance of Sunday. So to conclude, I would quote that
‘One can only enjoy their weekends when one has actually done something worth during the week so well said “ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL”
Isn't that desires to enjoy during the weekends drives us to put hell lot of efforts over the week that is nothing but Need  (I know its seems to be like marketing lecture but this is the reality).

Actually we all have loved almost (though not every) minute of our working lives (we don’t have a option). Now we have to reassign our emotions to dreading Mondays and relishing Fridays like I think that’s what everybody do think the same. (Again I would say u have no option)